Friday, April 30, 2010

OMA, Hafencity Hamburg

Same object rotated... pixelated void becomes theater in vertical and atrium in horizontal 

Hollow Shape

"While trying to save shape for (modernist) art, Michael Fried nevertheless reveals that shape is generally involved with the contextual and situational. In his critique of minimalism he observes that its investment in shape produces a pervasive effect of "hollowness." -Somol (see more in link below)

 “The shape is the object: at any rate, what secures the wholeness of the object is the singleness of the shape. It is, I believe, this emphasis on shape that accounts for the impression, which numerous critics have mentioned that Judd’s and Morris’s pieces are hollow.” - Fried (see more in link below)

Fried, Art and Objecthood

Friday, April 16, 2010

cypher distributed

possible sectional distribution of the cypher in packed box.....

Thursday, April 15, 2010

copy/translate/scale, search space

The above sketch is a "search space" which constitutes an "optimization table" which is generated by a simple copy/translate/scale algorithm. An optimization process selects a single instance which satisfies, not a single need, but all the needs of a programmatically divergent project. As a one size fits all proposition, optimization is the opposite of customization.

Search space is similar to typology in that it is produced by an inherent formal logic. Said another way, form follows form. Search Space is different from typology in that it multiplies possibilities rather than reducing them down to a platonic essence.

The selected instance [orange circle] is deployed in

rotate/rotate/rotate, OMA, Prada Transformer

OMA,Prada Transformer, 2008. The Transformer actually rotates to accomodate 4 different functions in different orientations... There is no copying or translation in the transformer, only a never-ending rotation of a single [incoherent] object.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


A single shape is deployed in three orientations [right-side up, vertical, upside down], with three relationships to the ground plane [below, above, within], and with three different scales [S,M,L]. These variables [12 state, 3 scales] satisfy all diverse programmatic requirements with a single, scalable, highly refined specification......

With each deployment of the unit, the project increases in speed and decreases in cost.

copy/translate/scale, SANAA, New Museum

copy/translate/scale.... SANAA, New Museum..five boxes stacked above a void all issue from a simple rectangle that is copied and then is translated and scaled vertically.

copy/translate/rotate [x,y], Mies, 860-880 Lakeshore Drive

860-880 Lakeshore Drive,1951. Mies created the original double state object — copy/translate/rotate... he also gave copying an aura

copy/translate/rotate [x,z, ], OMA, Ascot Residence

copy/translate/rotate... OMA, Ascot Residence, 2003. Duplication is at work in a series of OMA projects that flip an identical object from horizontal to vertical in order to produce an emphatic unity in otherwise opposing states... The dual state projects such as the Ascot House and the Hamburg eventually gave rise to the Prada Transformer which is a single object that rotates to accomodate 4 different functions in 4 distinct orientations...

copy/translate/scale/rotate, REX, Vakko Fashion Center

copy/translate/scale/rotate.... standardized steel sections in REX vakko... In general, this project is all about speedy construction... even to the extent that it was based on another office project. The five boxes in the center are all copies with the same length, different depth, to facilitate steel fabrication.....

